Another secrets
When i think about Pharaonic civilization and when i meditate it i feel there is a certain relationship between this civilization and ambiguity . When I look to all these temples and read the history I feel we have many tales happened among theses columns and walls. The history about this civilization for long time over seven thousands year. But they were relating to the life after death and when any king start his verdict he start to built his tomb too to write his history to keep with it when he cross the river between the life and the death. I remember the Pharaonic were living in buildings over six floors and the streets among theses buildings were lighting by lanterns even in the day.They succeeded to discover many relations between the land and the universe and still there are many epigraphy we can't understand it's meanings . Everyday the historians discover more secrets about the mummies and their stories. Another secret too why the great Pyramid has small openings with long passer ended by door has iron handle.What is the secret about this carving which look like plane which found in the Great Pyramid. This civilization based on Astronomy and great progression in many kinds of sciences such as medicine and Engineering even now we haven't explanations about it's secrets . Really I'm not expert about that but how they succeeded to make many statues like cats or other animals with pure gold. Sometimes I feel all Egypt built on many secrets like Qarun lake which I will write it's tale with details. Also the temples and their believes about the life after death still now has many sides are Mysterious . This civilization still even now keeps with it's secrets.
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