There are certainly signs appear in the beginning and then increase with time and when this person accept this situation which different from the man to the woman
Common symptoms:
The desire to sit in the bathrooms for the longest time and up to days in some cases.
Nightmares and see animals such as monkeys and pigs, snakes, lions,
and these dreams are repeated
Isolation and a desire to sleep
alone in a dark room and this is possible is happening to certain days in the
monthStay away from some people, such as a the husband or lover, where this person sees who the Jinn touch him or her all these people like ugly animals or monsters
The person begins to see many strange changes in the mirror like some strange faces or change his face and then return back to nature
Feel that there is always someone walking behind him when he does
not find a turn around or see something like the Spectrum
Sometimes you feel an unpleasant odor or smell
something burning around you, but you do not know the reason for this
When Jinn feel intense desire to live inside this
person or be a part of his life there are other symptoms.
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