in Egypt 21Th March we celebrate with mother's day and this day is the
first day in spring season.This day started as a notion from famous journalist
called Aly Ameen he wrote about this idea from over 50 years in his journal and
he asked why we don't celebrate with our mothers at least for one day in every
year. From this time we celebrate with this day which related to the beginning of
spring. This day became special sign in every family where you can hear many
songs about the mother. In every family you can see the celebration through
many habits which related to every member in the family even the father. In
this day we learn our children how can they think about the mother's role in
their lives. The preparations start from long time before this day. You can see
the father takes his children to buy special gift for mother to be surprise and
to express about his feelings toward to his mother. This celebration is not
only for the mother but also for grandmother where we buy the gifts too for
them. In this day is very important day in our social relations because if you
forget to ask about your mother you should visit her and kiss her hand to ask
her for the forgiveness. Whether Christians or Muslims know Allah asked us to
obey our mothers and he mentioned that in holy Quran. Allah told us we can find
the heaven under their feet. He means our mothers. I can't describe my feelings
about my mother because she is the most wonderful rose in my life.In every year
I ask Allah to give my mother more time to live. In every year I can't resist
my tears when I hear these songs about the mother. In this day we attempt to
draw the smiles on her lips and send one message for her. We all love you and
don't be upset from us. Just pray for us because Allah will not to us if you
upset from our behavior with you. Really i can't do something for her like she
did for me. My mother is my soul and really I feel with my tears now when I remember
my life with her. She gave me everything. She gave me her life to see me happy.
I wish when I meet Allah and ask me what about your mother she tells him I was
good boy. My prophet Mohammed told us when your mother died in the sky the
angels said Allah was accepting your pray for her only but now you must do the
good deeds to accept your pray again.I know she will not read this post about
my feelings but i dedicate my feelings not for my mother only but for all
mothers in the world. My friend visit your mother today or call her or visit her
grave to forgive you .If you upset from her for any reason don't forget she is
your mother.Kiss her hand and say that for her .You're the most beautiful woman
in the universal in my eyes and my soul for you only . Great greeting from me
to all mothers in the world
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
The farmer
The farmer in Egypt is very simple person and his life related to
agriculture because he considers his land like his wife related to him only.
Indeed the rural areas now in Egypt became different than the past due to many
things happened in the society. But actually there are many places still keep
with it's frame from hundreds year. So you can touch the history and the most
of old habits and traditions in his behaviour till now. The farmer in Egypt has
important role in the Egyptian personality even in the twons because many
farmers migrated from rural areas to these towns to learn or to live there. The
farmer relalted to his place and you can't describe this relation because it's
complicated with everything in this land. In the past his house was not for his
family only but for his animals and when you visit his home you can see the
heep or the goats play with his children in the middle of his house plus the
place for large animals which you can see in specific place . In this place has
door which open within his house. In this place you can watch the cow and the
buffalo which consider important resource for milk and butter to make cheese.
This cheese consider hand made and very health and i think if you eat it you
will never forget it.The farmer has three important issues in his life his
land,his family and his animals. When you see the farmers in the countryside in
Egypt you can feel with hard work and the roughness in their features. Their
skin is dark due to they work under the sun in the summer. Their smiles like
rocks when you destroy it due to the suffering from everything in their lives.
All the time he talks about his land because all grandparents still their
efforts and their blood exist in this land . The farmer consider this land is
his mother and it gives him the goodness for him and his family. If you ask him
why you love this land he will tell you he smells the smell of sweat fathers and forefathers
and feel that their souls inhabit the land. So it's shame if he think for a
moment to sell it and leave it.He born from it and he will die on it to see his
grandparents again.Always the farmer in Egypt has simple dreams like moment of
harvest and find his kids are fine and happy because the focus of his life is
his family. Even the animals which help him such as a donkey love him and knows
it's way to the home without someone learn it that also the camel you can feel
with special friendship between the camel and the farmer so the life in rural
area is very simple
The birthday of the prophet Mohammed
In the Islamic world especially in Egypt we celebrate the
birthday of the prophet Mohammed, who carried the message to the worlds and the
rules of love, equality and justice among humans, who reads the biography of
the Prophet and companions learn from it we have been created for the happiness
of others, and we turn away from sin and desires, because God created us minds
even reflect on God's command in the ground and spread justice and love between
people, not hatred and violence, but who encourages tolerance on terror and
death the Prophet and Islam is innocent of them.
In Egypt in this day we have special traditions and habits which
you can see it in all Egypt and these traditions and the festivities you can
see it through streets and around the Masjits through many kinds of sweets
which related to this event such as doll from sugar with pink color for girls
and knight rides his horse from the sugar for boys plus we buy these sweets to
dedicate it for our families and it is good occasion to visit our neighbor and
our friends to celebrate with this event to create the joy among children and
remember how we can change ourselves to the better like our prophet.
You can find the
lanterns with different colors around the Masjits with flags to show our
happiness with this event.
In this day you can see all people in Egypt Muslims and
Christians celebrate by buying the sweets and deserts because all children wait
this day to play with the doll and the knight to eat it after that so in Egypt
you can find all people celebrate with all occasions because the Egyptians just
think about the joy than in this event related to Christians or Muslims because
they are so kind people .
All these traditions were from long time which come with
Fatimits when the came to Egypt over 800 years
So when you visit Egypt in this Event you can watch
something different and amazing in the same time like a journey within the
The room
My grandfather when he moved to
another town in the last of fifties which called Shobrakhet. It was small town
and he moved with his family and he rented house there.
In this house my mum told me there
was specific room to store the foods like corn and rice because in this time
there is no electric or refrigerator.
After that they discovered this room
strange something happen in this room where they find everything exist for
example the food is located in that room does not diminish, even if they took
ten kilo rice find the next day that the quantity of rice as they are if they
did not take anything on the previous day.
My grandmother told my grandfather
about that and he insisted to discover what happen in this room so he decided
he sleeps alone in this room to watch how everything change in the night in
this room.
He slept alone in this room and at
the morning my grandmother entered the room to wake up him but she found my
grandfather suspended from the ceiling with a rope of legs and he didn't
remember anything just he was in a deep sleep only.
Actually he didn't repeat that and he decided
closing this room because he didn't know the secret for this roomMonday, 29 December 2014
The ghost
This story which happened in
February 1999 for when I was in this military area where the weather was very
cold beside the sea in this night and there wasn't moon to light the sky so the
place was very dark.
In this I had to wake up to guard some
of military boats and due to the air was very cold I smoke many cigarettes to
feel with warmth and to move my fingers too
It's normally to find some officers
passed to see if I'm ready to anything or I left my place so every hour I see
some of them to ask me about the secret word
After midnight in this night I
wished to light new cigarette but I didn't find lighter to ignite my cigarette
but suddenly I found small fire among my hands to ignite my cigarette so I
thought any officer did that for me but when I look at the fire I didn't see
anyone just fire in the air without any hands and this fire disappeared
I looked around me but I didn't find
anything just me with my cigarette and I still now remember this moment very
clear it's just small stable flame of fire in the air without hands.
Indeed I couldn't move or walk from
my place just stable without movement even my colleague came to continue our
mission for this night.
Really I felt I was in nightmare or
coma but I asked my friend if he came before to give me his lighter or someone
passed from here but he told me he doesn't smoke and he didn't see anyone here.
In this moment I knew the ghost who lives in
tower came to see me face to face.Saturday, 27 December 2014
Alexandria and it's secrets
Alexandria is a Greek city in the
foundation and was built by Alexander the Great near to the sea to be close to
his kingdom in the north and still it keeps with it's features as Greek city
even in the new buildings which are mixing with many art schools due to
presence Islam in Egypt and many different nationalities lived there over three
hundreds years.
Alexander chose this place to build
amazing city where it was a great city to
be the new capital of Egypt in the Ptolemaic era and it was the source of
civilization and science.
But due to a massive earthquake BC which
destroyed a lot of buildings in this great city and many of kings build many
cities above the ancient city through many centuries even we found Alexandria
now built on many layers of the ruins of the ancient city.
Therefore we hear now and then many stories
about the ground landing reveals crypt or raised a Greek dating to the era old
city has been hearing about the disappearance of some people as a result of
their discovery crypt down their house and said that these catacombs was a
branched network for the protection and storage of weapons in the case of the
invasion of the city.
Many have entered these catacombs
were no longer and discovered something inside, no one tells a lot of
researchers think that the tomb of Alexander the Great in Alexandria, where the
treasure greatest secrets collected from around the world and perhaps one of
those tunnels will reveal the way to the cemetery or manuscript indicate place
We find that most of these tunnels
exist in the middle of the modern city branched north and east city is living
above the ruins of a great city has a lot of questions that are still baffled
Friday, 26 December 2014
The fisherman
In the late forties my mom moved with
my grandfather to the new city due to my grandfather was working in Police and
every two or three years changes his place.
The new city was Rosetta. It's an ancient city dating back to the era of the
Pharaohs and is located on the Nile River and the Mediterranean. Really it's
beautiful place and you can feel when you walk among it's alleys you walk among
papers of history book.
At that time there was no
electricity, but they spend their time on the candle lights and lamps which
work with kerosene.
My grandfather was when he moves to
a new town was leased home because he knows that bare will not last more than
two years in this place.
My mother told me that her neighbor
was a fisherman and every night he was coming out with his a colleague after
midnight with his boat and his net to catch the fish where the fish attracted through the light
which comes from lamp to come into the net and the next day he sell the fish in
the market or to his neighbors, including my grandfather.
One day he agreed with his colleague
to come to his house to go to the river to catch the fish after midnight as
usual. His friend came to do that but this fisherman but he found
something is uncommon where the fish
jump inside the boat without any reason and these fish with abnormal size even
his boat became full of the fish.
He suggested to collect some
firewood to drink hot tea but when he light the fire he discovered his
colleague has not normal feet but it was like feet for goat or sheep.
The fisherman didn't tell his
colleague about this but came back to his home and till my grand father about
that and my mother told me she saw these fish and she found these fish with
abnormal sizes
In the next night this colleague came and knock
his door to take the fisherman but the fisherman didn't replay because he knows
in this night if he came out with this thing he will never back to his home
again . It's strange tale but it happened and my mother was witness about this. Thursday, 25 December 2014
The ghost
This story which happened in
February 1999 for when I was in this military area where the weather was very
cold beside the sea in this night and there wasn't moon to light the sky so the
place was very dark.
In this I had to wake up to guard some
of military boats and due to the air was very cold I smoke many cigarettes to
feel with warmth and to move my fingers too
It's normally to find some officers
passed to see if I'm ready to anything or I left my place so every hour I see
some of them to ask me about the secret word
After midnight in this night I
wished to light new cigarette but I didn't find lighter to ignite my cigarette
but suddenly I found small fire among my hands to ignite my cigarette so I
thought any officer did that for me but when I look at the fire I didn't see
anyone just fire in the air without any hands and this fire disappeared
I looked around me but I didn't find
anything just me with my cigarette and I still now remember this moment very
clear it's just small stable flame of fire in the air without hands.
Indeed I couldn't move or walk from
my place just stable without movement even my colleague came to continue our
mission for this night.
Really I felt I was in nightmare or
coma but I asked my friend if he came before to give me his lighter or someone
passed from here but he told me he doesn't smoke and he didn't see anyone here.
In this moment I knew the ghost who
lives in tower came to see me face to face.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Ghost tower
I have many memories of when I was
in the Army where I spent a period of my life at a military area next to the
sea and it had a lot of buildings and towers. In this area many events happened
during the war and I heart many tales about many soldiers slaughtered during
their sleeping plus a lot of strange events that I met some of it and some of
the stories that I heard but I didn't see it like the others
Ghost Tower
This tower actually very old and
near to the sea and there is no one can enter this tower whether in the day or
in the night and there is no light in this tower because they tried to light it
but this is impossible so all soldiers called this tower called ghost tower.
I decided to visit this tower sure
in the day because I can't do that in the night and indeed I didn't find
something strange there except some words wrote from long time about the
longing and fears about the death.
Really all soldier avoided to walk
beside this tower in the night because some things happen for them but I
decided to enter this tower and I still remember what happened by details in
this night
I still remember my heart when it
beat with loud voice in the first I walked beside it and when I was closing to
it I heard some voices but I couldn't detect what is this voice. I felt my hair
became erected and some small stones someone throw it from the tower
I decided in this moment to enter
this tower to see who did that but the place was very dark and when I touch the
stairs I couldn't move my feet and I felt I will die if I saw who did that
Unfortunately I didn't have the
courage to do that so I escaped from the place and I left the tower behind me
and till this tower in this place after twenty years keeps with its secrets
But when I think about that my soul
told me maybe this place kept with sad soul for poor soldier lived and kept
with his pains and sadness to be witness forever maybe someone understand and
free this soul from this place.
ًWith two women
After a few days I found my friend
was stable but I was worried about how can I live with two ghosts in the same
apartment although my friend felt with me and he told me you will find this
very funny?
Really I didn't believe him because
how can I find this funny but in the night I heard noise in the kitchen and I
feel with my heart beats from fearing
I woke up my friend to tell him
about this noise but he said be quite they just play in the kitchen with
I looked to him without saying any
word and then he screamed stop don't play with utensils we need to sleep and we
have work at the morning
Suddenly this noise stopped and we
back to sleep again after many times from these situations I got used to talk
with them to stop about their deeds
I think they was play with me and my
friend because sometimes they turned off the light and turned on the light
without reason but when we watch T.V and found beauty girl they was closing T.V
and I found my friend talks to them to tell them we are sorry they are a
wonderful women in this world so we find they open T.V again
I used to their presence around me
and sometimes I was sleeping alone without fearing from them
Sometimes they attempt to wake up me
if I forgot I should wake up for going to my job through moving something near
to me
It's just my memories in this apartment.
Monday, 22 December 2014
The story
In the next day I asked my friend
about the strange events which happened with me at the last night but he
avoided to tell me the truth but I insisted to tell what is the story and how
he can live alone in this apartment.
He told from four years ago in this
an apartment there were two women were living here because they were sisters
and they didn't marry so they lived here together and they were sleeping in my
On night in the winter nights thief
broke into the apartment to steal their expensive personal items but
unfortunately they felt with him and they attempted to scream but this thief
used his knife to kill them and he succeed in this.
This crime discovered after few days
and still now the murder unknown. After that some persons attempted to live in
apartment after this crime but they escaped due to some strange things happened
here and this apartment closed for long time even I came to rent it.
He told me don't worry about them
you will find them very kind and amazing when you live here with me and with
Really I thought about this story
and I thought where I can live if I left my friend and I said to myself maybe I
find these things good for me because I like to live with exciting life so let
me write more tales about our apartment.
The building
I had a friend was living in an
apartment unit in the building which was not inhabited with anyone except my
friend. when I went to live with him and i found this building in a upscale
area, although that was a cheap rent that apartment for its stance
My friend did not tell me anything
about the story of that apartment and let me discover it myself, and he was
very kind with me so he let me choose my room and this was a little strange for me.
At the first night that entered the
room to find a large and comfortable bed I got up to pray my evening prayers
and during my prayers I felt very cold air passes from the rear and then
disappears and appears and sometimes this air a rounded me like I pray within
the refrigerator.
I thought that there was an open
window, but after my prayers I did not find anything open, but the room was
well closed until told my friend about that but he said to me (do not think
about it)
When I went to sleep that entered
the room where the blanket was used in order to protect me from the frost that
was there in that room, and only because I was fatigued I slept with rapidly
At three clock after midnight I woke
up and I did not find the blanket on my body just afar really i did not care as
it was caught it to cover my body again. After a few minutes I woke up a from
the cold, but i did not find the blanket on my body
This is repeated several times, so I
decided to watch what happens to my friend flirting with me at the first night
with him in that apartment.
The time passed very slowly, but
suddenly I felt something stir the blanket over my body no hands I can see it
although the blanket moves away although there is nothing in the room except
me. I found myself at the end of the matter is that the blanket went away from
my body.
I rushed out and I was screaming at
my friend in order to rescue me from my dismay startling friend told him he laughed
and said to me, just sleep next to me and I will tell you everything tomorrow
and actually this night was the first and the last night for me in this room.
Sunday, 21 December 2014
The German soldier
My friend told me his grandfather
told him about the German soldier story where this story happened in the
fifties of the last century was the electricity were not deployed as well as
cars were a few that were rarely find a car to pass, but there were famous area of the German soldier
in the desert
This soldier was shown in some
cases, on the road, where any driver pass with his car in this way sometimes he
finds someone standing next to the road so he thinks as someone looking for a
way to transport and when approached the driver finds a soldier dressed in the
war of the German forces with those famous German soldiers helmet but without
features no face just dark spot without features only clothes and a helmet
without the presence of person inside this clothes
So it was seen that he proceeded at
full speed for fear of this ghost and sometimes the driver finds this soldier
sitting next to him without any talking until the car crosses that place the
soldier disappears from the car
As well as in the period after the
war had some people watching the lights tremendous show in the heart of the
desert like bombs explode or guns firing so the people goes to that area to see
what is happening where they don't find anything except sands and tranquility
in the region
My friend also told me, when they
were children sometimes they find skeletons wearing military clothes, where
they find some pictures and belongings of those soldiers to tell us some
memories for those soldiers and their families
Always war planted within us the
sadness and pain of the loss of our souls we loved forever
The car
My friend told me he has one of his uncles from long
time he was in the desert with his sheep to eat some herbs there within the
desert so there is no anything except sands around him in this place but
suddenly a great storm endowed in the place so he attempted to find place to
protect him and his sheep from this storm
After short time the storm moved to another place
suddenly so he came back to the same place again but when he returned he found
some thing like a wooden cover so he thought to remove this cover to see what
he can find under this cover
He found wooden stairs lead him to trench under the
ground and this trench maybe from the world war II
He closed this trench again to back again with some
tools like searchlight and ropes and his brother to help him there
In second day he opened the trench again and light his
searchlight to see what he discovered there
He found this trench was not for soldiers but for
commander maybe for Axis forces because he found a new car full of weapons and
desk with some of maps plus pistol of nickel and some of bottles of wine
Sure this pistol for important commander maybe Gen. in Axis forces
His uncle considered this trench is real treasure for
him because he bought this pistol and everything he found it under ground with
good price because this pistol maybe for Rommel plus some of military
decorations within this trench
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Tales from western desert
I had some friends who were living in that desert and
heard a lot of stories of their parents and grandparents I will write some of
those stories, but all these stories have no physical evidence to consider that
just Tales of Western Sahara
It is well known that who lives within the desert he knows
that every day the desert changes it's shapes where things of the past appear and
other things disappear as a result of storms and winds which appear suddenly
and disappear like ghosts like the desert
Those desert since World War II filled with mines and
unexploded bombs as well as the remains of tanks and aircraft as well as
pistols, rifles and a lot of secrets that were buried with them during military
battles that took place in that area
There are plenty of anecdotes such as a car
buried the story and the pistol nickel German soldier and the lights that
appear in the desert and the emergence of sitting next to you in the car and
disappeared suddenly and I will write these tales with some of detailsThe difference
My friend asked me many questions
about the Jinn so i will answer about that here to illustrate more details
about that
We should differentiate between
devils and The Jinn although they have common details such as they born from
the fire and they consist of tribes and kingdoms plus they have families
consist of males and females like humans but there is something different between
devils and The Jinn although they have the same ability to live within human
not one of them only maybe we can find more than one live with the human but
the devils have superior abilities than Jinn and not easy to deal with them so
any wizard can communicate with devils
sure has more abilities than any wizard deals with Jinn
Jinn are not live only in the middle
east only but they live in any place in this earth but the famous kingdoms here
in middle east due to many prophets lived here but they has ability to fly to
travel from place to another in few seconds or minutes
We can divide the Jinn regarding to
the religion into three categories Muslims, Christians and tribes don't believe
with Allah and this category very tough and aggresive with humans
I think i replied about all questions my friendFriday, 19 December 2014
Battle within the desert
Battle of El Alamein of the most famous battles that
took place in the Western Sahara between the Allies and the Axis forces led by
Rommel on October 23, 1942, Allied forces were more processing and the armies
of the Axis forces
Allied forces are 195 thousand and Axis forces are 104
thousand soldier plus the number of tanks
for the Allied forces were more than double the tanks Axis forces, but this
battle is the most famous battles for tanks and changed a lot of the tactics of
Many soldiers died on both sides where there is in the
city of El Alamein has a great cemetery for all forces such as the Germans , the
Italians , the British and the many nationalities. Till now many families visit this place to remember
their parents who died during this battle and also visit the museum that battle so there is
a lot of waste and soldiers who died in that desert and there are many strange
stories associated with this battle and i will talk about it with details
I think the reasons for the defeat of the Axis forces
here was for several reasons, where we can find Rommel suffered from an acute
shortage of tanks and Supply defender plus the petroleum where he attempts to
persuade Hitler about this bad situation for his forces but Hitler and
Mussolini didn't have good attitude and determination.
Hitler ordered
him defends and withstand any way as well as the weakness of the Italian
military capabilities and reliance on outdated methods made them easy prey for
the Allied Force so Rommel lost a lot of soldiers and tanks to compensate these
defects due to the Italian military were needing more experience and new tactics
to change the result for this battle .
Rommel, which cost a lot of losses, but Rommel was
smart when manage withdrawal and reduce losses in the months of World War II
battles .
ًWith the women
For women shall be contact by jinn through the same
symptoms, but in an advanced stage of some other signs that are clear, such as
control of women by making the desire to sleep alone show that he wanted to
have sex with her, where women feel that something be in sexual situations in
her dreams and feel it's like a reality where you find some of the viscous
water produced by the women in her underwear
Where the woman can see this Jinn in her dream during
sexual intercourse as well as there are a hallmark of easy to identify when you
wake up from a dream and there are some blue spots down the breast and also
disappear after about an hour of the end of this dream.
Women also feel that something lies above her during the
sleep and makes her such restrictive can not move like a stone over her chest
in addition to the voice that whispers in her ear most of the time
If this woman is married her husband can not touch her
or start sexual intercourse with her in this case you will find violent signs
such as cramping and scream and cry and when her husband stop about that she
back to be calm again and she doesn't remember anything about that
something when the Jinn has strong power like a
prince he like to show his presence and
find that woman talked her convulsing and turns her eyes to White color and
speak with different tone and louder and sometimes you can hear ancient
Sumerian language or Arabic which rely on the Jinn himself .
Thursday, 18 December 2014
The Jinn with the men
In the beginning I will talk about the relation
between the men of humans and the Jinn to show these phenomena with new signs and often these
relations between the jinn of women more than men when they are linked to human
beings These are some of the phenomena
Advanced symptoms
Hear someone wrought in his ear and tell him things
and information about some of the people around him, no one else can Headset.
The man feels the desire to sleep alone and away from
his wife, where this woman of Jinn attempts to talk to him and I know people
every day has woman of Jinn wakes him for Fajr prayer until he returns it.
Sometimes in advanced relation the Jinn appears to
this human and to see her because she has the desire to be his girl friend or
his wife too and when he can sees her for the first time he can see her all the time around him, but no one else can
see it.
I have many tales about the marriage between the human
and the Jinn and some friends said that some of the jinn marry human men, but
there is no evidence that only some novels that people spend a certain nights
in their room without his wife because he meets with his woman of the jinn, but
does not have conclusive evidence for mating ability between men of the people
and women of the jinn
those cases, the jinn here would not hurt this man, but sometimes protected
from people because he has two more fire power.ًWhen the Jinn touch someone
There are certainly signs appear in the beginning and then increase with time and when this person accept this situation which different from the man to the woman
Common symptoms:
The desire to sit in the bathrooms for the longest time and up to days in some cases.
Nightmares and see animals such as monkeys and pigs, snakes, lions,
and these dreams are repeated
Isolation and a desire to sleep
alone in a dark room and this is possible is happening to certain days in the
monthStay away from some people, such as a the husband or lover, where this person sees who the Jinn touch him or her all these people like ugly animals or monsters
The person begins to see many strange changes in the mirror like some strange faces or change his face and then return back to nature
Feel that there is always someone walking behind him when he does
not find a turn around or see something like the Spectrum
Sometimes you feel an unpleasant odor or smell
something burning around you, but you do not know the reason for this
When Jinn feel intense desire to live inside this
person or be a part of his life there are other symptoms.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Tales armies in the desert
Western Sahara was a crossing point for many of the armies that
have passed from the East, such as the armies of the Persians and the Romans
and Muslims to invade Libya and the Atlas Mountains, or coming from the west to
the east such as the Axis armies of Germans and Italians during world war II to
invade Egypt and fight the English troops in Egypt
There are a lot of stories
have occurred to those armies in that desert and I will tell some of them for
some of those armies
King Cambyses, King of Persia prepared a great army to expel the
Romans from Egypt, when he wanted to cross the Western Sahara his great army disappeared
and there is no any news about this great army did not keep a soldier in order
to tell us what happened to this great army, despite the lack of any battle in
that desert, But said one of the pilots belonging to the oil companies that
operate Sahara, said he saw a huge army of soldiers, old military uniforms
marching in the desert, so he approached them in order to make sure of that,
and already saw a huge number of soldiers dressed as warriors and then suddenly
disappeared and did not show again
As well as through Alexander the Great to go to the oasis of Siwa,
where the temple of the god Amon to the priests, religious rituals to make him
king over Egypt, and there told him that one of the priests from the great
secret did not tell him one and said that Alexander the Great love that Oasis
and recommend to be buried in that Oasis to be the son of Ra great but There is
no evidence that only the tales may be the tomb of Alexander the Great is
buried in the desert that may
The western desert
Western Sahara in Egypt, including more than half of
Egypt's area, a vast barren area which isn't changing from thousands of years
ago, except some of oasis which spread within the desert and have many of
temples and tombs for the Pharaohs since oases as well as the great Sand Sea
which if you don't know your way within it you will never cross it alive
because he has very soft sands like a water you can sink within these sands and
this place in the south plus the pistils which located between the mountains
Western Sahara has a lot of secrets and magic and
wacky as it millions of years ago was a forest so find out the caves of the
inscriptions and drawings of primitive man with it's bright colors
There is also an old Hungarian river under the sand
where you find a lot of fossils of many fish that existed at that time in
addition to dinosaurs, birds and trees fossilized in addition to the wonderful
paintings painted by the wind in the rocks and sand
So you can find who do the Safari or trip to Western
Sahara is well aware of the secrets of the beauty of these desert oases that
stems out of the water wells sulfur which are used in the treatment of many
diseases such as arthritis and psoriasis, and there are a lot of travelers who
treat patients with herbs and methods for hundreds of years old so it is a trip
into the desert to feel the beauty that we will be talking with some of the
details about the secrets of those deserts Where exotic tales from Pharaonic temples and
armies passed out and ghosts that appear in the vast desert
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Why do you like Egypt ?
The most beautiful thing in Egypt is the people because when you
deal with them you can find their dreams are very simple because their lives
are simple like their dreams. Always they carry the sadness in their hearts and
the smiles on their lips because all their reactions are emotional very
emotional due to they live with their warm feelings among their friends and
their families.
Their values and their behaviour depend on their religions whether
Islam or Christianity and they think their dealing rely on your good intentions
only so they are smart in this point and they can discover who loves Egypt or
hate their country so if you're stranger you will find them deal with you by
friendly and lovely way and if you have problem you will a lot of people help
you and open their homes for you maybe fight for you although they don't know
you so you will never feel with this feeling about you are stranger in Egypt
you will some new feelings unfortunately many people can't touch it in another
countries. Egyptian in the most times is chivalrous and magnanimity and when
you visit the ancient alleys you will see the people like papers of history book and when you sit in
old coffees you will hear many tales about the place or many jokes and laughs
because they are simple people and they are happy because of you so many people
like living in Egypt and miss it in all times or marry from Egyptians to form a
real family with warm feelings so when you ask them why do you like
Egypt?....They say we don't know but we love it
The magic among Pyramids
The Pyramids have a great secrets in it's building
which let me think deeply and imagine how was the pharaohs think and live in
the world mix between magic, astronomy and engineering. Sure still many
relations and questions need answers and still now unknown such as how they
built this and how they push these rocks which it's weigh over 10 tons and how
they arranged these rocks to form this shape for all these thousands years.
Really there are many theories about that and i illustrate it by details in later.
The building of the great Pyramid it's a miracle in itself because the location
of the great Pyramid exactly in the middle point of the earth and related to
the path of rotation of the sun and the moon to collect the power inside the
great Pyramid and reflect it to protect it's secrets. Another secret about its
building the pharaohs discovered special liquid to absorb the air between rocks
to be more stronger cement over hundred time than cement
think the pharaohs learnt and created many things we still don't know anything
about it.Monday, 15 December 2014
Treasures in the bottom of the sea
As a result of the massive earthquake that happened in
BC ancient Alexandria which led to loss many secrets about the ancient world,
it was causing the collapse of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was one of
the seven wonders of the ancient world and the collapse of Romania and
Pharaonic temples and sinking of a large part of the city in the sea and the
disappearance of many of the major landmarks of the city.
But recently they discovered lots of statues and
columns temples Pharaonic and Roman in front of the shores of Alexandria in
excellent condition as well as a lot of gold coins and jewelry in the bottom of
the sea so there are many tales since more than 50 years ago said about many
fishermen found their nets was torn for some unknown reasons plus the
appearance many persons have maps and divers are looking next to the lighthouse
for lost treasure.
Maybe they mean that the ships which sank during the
battle and sinking of the French fleet or maybe a certain ship especially the
French fleet commander which sure sank with many secrets we still don't know
anything about it or the treasures back to the Roman century when the
earthquake and so far we hear a lot of anecdotes about the effects found in the
bottom of the sea and the treasures that go out sometimes with fishing nets.
The sinking of the French fleet
When the British knew the arrival of the French fleet to
Alexandria to invasion Egypt to be the
main station for French forces and control in old road for trading in the old
world so the English fleet led by Nelson in 1798 moved to Alexandria to fight
the French fleet there.
The English
fleet was composed of 15 medium warship each vessel by 48 cannon and the French
fleet is 13 vessels in addition to the huge barge with 120 cannon as well as
three ships with 84 cannon.
Nelson was smart when he arrived at Abu Qir beach at
night the French thought he would not fight in the evening as well as the
French was not ready to face the English fleet in this battle but Nelson began
the battle at night and use a new tactic in war battles, where he attacked the
the French fleet from its back and siege ship French fleet commander causing a
huge explosion and the killing of the French fleet commander.
In the end it was the seizure of nine French ships and
sank 1,700 French versus 288 sailor English and besieged the French campaign in
Egypt so anyone can dive in the waters of Abu Qir Sea can see the remnants of
the French ships and guns scattered on the sea floor as well as Old French guns,
pistols and currencies French which maybe gold or sliver and maybe you can find
more than that.
This is a great treasure in the bottom of the sea for
amateur treasure hunters and I wish someday dive there to see all that.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
The book of secrets
When I was young child I read many stories and tales about pharaohs and their civilization which still consider unknown secret till now because still now I hear many tales about treasures and many things are not logically for me still happen in our recent time. But till now I still think about the reason for existence of Sphinx near to the Great Pyramid and really there is a great book within Sphinx which called book of secrets which has many secrets about the magic and the life. Maybe it's fact or myth. Another question why the Great Pyramid in this place and how they can detected this point with accurate calculations ?
Actually the Great Pyramid is located in the middle of the planet completely and that the Sphinx was not done by the ancient Egyptians to worship, but some tales said that there is a crypt between Sphinx and the Great Pyramid includes a lot of secrets and cosmic retained by the Pharaohs have not been able until now to reveal the greatest secret because we despite of technological advances still now there is no rays can penetrate the pyramid to find many the answers for many questions such as this crypt is existed?
The ancient Masjits

Saturday, 13 December 2014
Ancient Egypt
When you see the pyramids for the first time you will not forget this sensation in your life, it’s amazing feeling and you can’t describe it for any one, maybe the magic here since thousands years, and you will feel this place deserves the reverence and the respect, in the first time you will feel The distance between you and pyramids is fixed and some power attract you to it and feel with the time back with you to thousands of years to see yourself are going among the soldiers of the pharaoh or the priests who climb the pyramids to the sanctification of the pharaoh, you will not forget that, just try it.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Ancient Alexandria
When Alexander the Great decided to build the new capital for Egypt to
be near to the sea and to his kingdom he chose special place and called this
city with Alexandria
He wanted to make it a different city with different magic between two
great civilizations which is combination between the Pharaonic civilization and
Greek civilization
Alexandria designed
to build the huge buildings with unique designs and great temples to the gods
of Greek and make the streets of soft stones well established ancient
Alexandria library, which contained thousands of books and manuscripts which
contain a lot of secrets about the Pharaohs were also the greatest University
of the ancient world Where it has great scientists such as Pythagoras was
discovered a lot of theories through the Bibliographer Alexandria was also
building the largest lighthouse where it was considered one of the wonders of
the ancient world where some of historians said that you can see the light in
Rome and you can see the ships in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea from the
top, but a massive earthquake happened before Birth collapsed lighthouse and
the occurrence of a massive fire burned the library all the secrets that do not
compensate for the civilizations Even the place of the tomb of Alexander the
Great himself and flooded part of the city and this is another secret i will
talk about it in another post just follow me
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