Friday, 12 December 2014

Alexander the Great in Egypt

Egypt had special position and status in ancient world due to many reasons because it was the convergent point among Europe, Asia and Africa, plus Egypt was produced grain and wheat, which covers the needs of the ancient world stature has income Alexander the Great without resistance even from the Persian forces that existed in Egypt, where he visited the city of Memphis and set up a cultural festival on the Greek way
He sent scientific compaign to the south to discover the resources of the Nile and then he went to the north, where he found a small village on Mediterranean and he decided to build the new capital of Egypt which called Alexandria then he went to the West in the desert to the oases in order to view the temple of the god Amon
There the priests welcomed him and they did the religious rituals to make him the son of the god ( Ra ) and some of historians wrote about strange story when  the high priest in the temple told him the secret about  his conquests and his death and he believed them because the priests were very skillful in the science of prediction and he did not tell anyone about this secret
 He established everything in Egypt to support him during his conquests and then leave Egypt He returned to his conquests again especially to kill the king Dara
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